At what was supposed to be Michael Flynn’s sentencing hearing, Judge Emmet Sullivan corrugated Flynn for behaving in a disgusting and treasonous manner. Judge Sullivan then warned Flynn that if he wanted to proceed with sentencing, he might have to do jail time. As a result, Flynn decided to take Sullivan up on his offer to postpone sentencing for three months. We have all been wondering why Judge Sullivan’s rebelled against the no-jail plea deal reached by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Flynn’s lawyers.
Explanations ranged from a cranky judge outraged with wrongdoing by government officials like former National Security Advisor Flynn to an informed judge who thought that the full panoply of Flynn’s actions warranted some jail time. In either event, observers see Judge Sullivan refusal to concur with Mueller’s recommendation for leniency as much a rebuke for Mueller as Flynn.
So, what does this mean? If the former prosecutors who hang out on television interpreting Mueller’s acts are correct, then Mueller was justified in letting Flynn skate. But prosecutors usually delay having their corroborating witnesses sentenced until after they testify in court to prevent any shenanigans on the witness stand. Does the attempt by Mueller to have Flynn sentenced now mean that there will be no testimony?
Explanations ranged from a cranky judge outraged with wrongdoing by government officials like former National Security Advisor Flynn to an informed judge who thought that the full panoply of Flynn’s actions warranted some jail time. In either event, observers see Judge Sullivan refusal to concur with Mueller’s recommendation for leniency as much a rebuke for Mueller as Flynn.
So, what does this mean? If the former prosecutors who hang out on television interpreting Mueller’s acts are correct, then Mueller was justified in letting Flynn skate. But prosecutors usually delay having their corroborating witnesses sentenced until after they testify in court to prevent any shenanigans on the witness stand. Does the attempt by Mueller to have Flynn sentenced now mean that there will be no testimony?

Prosecutors usually try to obtain sure fire convictions even if that means charging for a lesser crime and ignoring crimes that are more difficult to prove. One part of Flynn’s story that Mueller has not explained publicly is why did Flynn lie to the FBI agents about contacting Russians when he could easily justify that contact. Perhaps Flynn was engaged in something with Trump that Mueller cannot prove. If so, then Sullivan may have sniffed it out and want to give Mueller more time to prove it.