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Past articles
- News Connections December 2018
- News Connections
- Fascism
- The Limits of Identity Politics: The Lies Trump’s Black Surrogates Tell
- The Party Conventions
- Speaker Paul Ryan’s Dubious Morality
- Want to Make America Great? Fund Zika Prevention!
- Why Hillary Clinton Should Choose Elizabeth Warren as Her Running Mate
- Black Lives Matter v Blue Lives Matter
- Independence Day
- The Wrestling Match with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
- How Hillary Can Press the Attack on Trump
- Did the DNC Undermine Bernie?
- Trump, Bernie, and the Erosion of Voters’ Agency
- Main Stream Media Doesn’t Get Bernie Sanders’ Inequality Message
- Are Vitamins Good or Bad?
- Bernie Sander’s Debate Performance Raises Questions about His Preparation to Defeat Hillary Clinton
- How to Avoid Falling for the Main Stream Media Hype about the Election
- Assessing the Candidates: Bernie’s Revolution vs. Hillary’s Reformation
- Bernie's Troubles with Black Voters: Do You Feel Me?
- The Ninth Republican Debate: The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
- Iowa Caucuses: Misreading the Results for Trump and Cruz
- How Trump Speaks May Be More Important Than What He Says
- Climate Change and Emerging Pandemics: The Homeland at Risk
- The GOP Establishment vs. Donald Trump
- Wayne La Pierre: NRA's Cost for Good Guys Shooting Bad Guys
- Mass Shootings Without Gun Control
- Spotlight and Truth - A Critical Review of Investigative Journalism in the Movies
- Republican Debaters - Obsessed with Obama
- What Political Parties Teach Voters
- Donald Trump and the GOP Fear Mongering over ISIS
- Young Man Dies in Police Custody - DC
- Chipotle, the Government and You
- Is It Boots on the Ground vs. Terrorist Attacks?
- Donald Trump and Fascism
- Donald Trump Relies on the Assistance of the Mainstream Media
- Doctor Ben Carson: Fact Checking His Life
- Truth and False Realities at the Fourth Republican Debate
- The GOP Loses Its Mind
- Classroom Police Violence Targets Black Teen
- Donald Trump Can Teach the Dems Some Lessons
- Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders: Authenticity and Contempt for Big-Money
- Black Lives Matter: Proposals for Reducing Excessive Force by Police against Blacks
- The First Democratic Debate: Some Key Take-aways the Morning After
- MSNBC Goes Fox: Morning Joe’s Fair and Balanced Reporting on Hillary
- A Better Strategy Is Needed to Defend Democrats from Right Wing Attacks
- Morning Joe’s Email Attack on Hillary Doesn’t Add Up
- Policing and Police Killings More Complex Than We Wish
- A Stabilized Bid for the Democratic Presidential Nomination
- How Chuck Schumer Hurts the Progressive Movement
- How Long Will Blacks Reject Progressives
- Are Democrats Crazy to Bash Trump
- Can Donald Trump Play the Main Room?
- Then They Came for Planned Parenthood
- Conversation About Race - Over Coffee?
- Why Hillary’s Emails Don’t Matter
- MSNBC Leans Backward - Why?
- The Schmooze Effect - Obama, Boehner, and McCarthy
- Email, Hillary, and the Media
- Underlying Influences of Police Use of Excessive Force
- Why Police Shoot Unarmed Blacks
- Being against Buying Elections Is Not Populism
- Who Knows the Difference between a Gun and a Taser?
- The NFL - Post Racial Or Just Quietly Racial?
- Netanyahu’s Objections to An Iranian Arms Deal Relies on Drug Dealing Analogies
- Lessons in Terrorism from Sony: We Need Government on Our Backs
- Netanyahu Attacks Iran Deal
- The Media Play the Blame Game But Come Up Empty
- Misinterpreting President Obama
- American Sniper
- McCain Supports Obama?
- Loretta Lynch: Shot Down By A Republican Senate
- NASCAR Points the Direction for Blacks
- Sandra Bland: Another Victim of the Drug Wars?
- Sharpton's Career
- A Symbol of Hatred
- How Quickly They Forgot
- Baltimore Is Burning - Again
- Profile Police Who Kill
- Jeb Bush End Of Life
- Superbowl Statistics and Learning from the Past
- Scarborough McCain
- Too Inflated To Fail
- Emergency Room Doctors Can Be a Factor in Elderly Drug Abusex
- Chris Christie and Rand Paul: Politics Trump Scientific Evidence About Measles
- Hillary's Server
- Robinson SAE
- Dark Money – A Critical Review
- Eye in the Sky - Movie Review
- Why the Right Went Wrong
- Spotlight- A Movie Review
- Fracture: Barack Obama, the Clintons, and the Racial Divide
- Dog Whistle Politics By Ian Lopez Haney A Critical Review
- Here's Looking At Us - Kid!
- Child 44
- Movie: No Country for Old Men
- Movie: A Most Wanted Man
- Movie: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
- Contact Us
Past Articles
- The Bully Pulpit Ain't What It Used To Be
- MSNBC's Scarborough Goes Extreme on Ferguson
- How the Republican Party Can Beat the Democrats
- MSNBC Spiral
- What's Wrong with Obama?
- Gaza Update: Israel's "Protective Edge"
- Gunfight between Maverick and John Wayne
- When Will Israel Stop
- Obama - The Strategic Decider
- Trump Hornet Nest: Corruption and Conflict of Interest
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