Progressives were pleased that Warren promised to fight and named those who she intended to fight: “wealthy power brokers who have been waging class warfare against hardworking people for decades.” Klobuchar indicated she would fight against “invidious forces.” And while Klobuchar did list several significant policies for which she advocated, like reducing climate change, she did not call for any meaningful reforms. Warren, on the other hand, said that the game was rigged against the working class and structural changes were needed.
The Main Stream Media failed to note that Warren had called for structural change. They also failed to note the difference between where Warren and Klobuchar made their announcements. Warren made her announcement at Everett Mills, where workers struck for fair wages and safer working conditions. Klobuchar, on the other hand, chose Boom Island, connected to the mainland by bridges to symbolize Klobuchar’s ability to build bridges to Republicans. Although the Main Stream Media gushed over the symbolism of Boom Island, they seem off-put by workers who won the right to unionize.
Besides the Main Stream Media, Republicans also gushed over Klobuchar’s ability to reach out to them. Without reservation, Senate Republicans praised Klobuchar and recommended that Democrats nominate her to win the Midwest!
Republicans’ advice to nominate a bridge builder to win the states that Trump, a polarizer, won in 2016 seems somewhat unusual. Nonetheless, based on their announcements, Warren is a better communicator than Klobuchar. Warren’s announcement set out precise reasons for running for President while Klobuchar’s was filled with platitudes, but little substance. Warren seems better able to compete against a communicator of Trump’s skills than Klobuchar.