The cascade of failure for Bannon continues. He lost his financial support from the ultra-right-wing Mercer family, and was removed from Breitbart. Last week Bannon had the University of Chicago withdraw a speaking invitation due to student protests. And, Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller subpoenaed Bannon on the same day he was testifying before the House Intelligence Committee.
Mueller’s subpoena may have been a ploy to convince Mueller to be more forthcoming in future interviews. If so, it seems to have worked. Bannon agreed to Mueller’s conditions for an interview. Of course, Mueller will see if Bannon contradicts his House testimony. More importantly, expect Mueller to delve into the data firm, Cambridge Analytica that Bannon introduced to the Trump campaign. Data Analytica is owned by the Mercers and might have had connections with the Russians. And, Bannon can expect Mueller to ask about all the salacious information contained in Wolff’s book.