Many commentators have noted that these images are visual ethnic slurs that mock blacks. But there is a deeper implicit meaning of placing these two figures together. They threaten blacks who do not play the role of a clown with death by terrorism from the KKK. Together these figures are a reminder and celebration of white supremacy.
After first saying he was sorry he had appeared in these photos as one of the figures in the yearbook, the next day Northam denied being one of the characters in the picture. At a press conference, he claimed he was not one of the figures and said that the photo was on his yearbook page by mistake. Northam also admitted that in the same year in which the yearbook was published, he blackened his face with shoe polish to win a dance contest in which he posed as Michael Jackson. Apparently trying to mitigate darkening his face, Northam said he only used a little bit of shoe polish because it was so difficult to remove. In effect, he admitted using shoe polish to darken his face at least one other time.
If there was any chance Northam governorship could survive, this press conference ended it. Northam’s credibility was gone, and with it, his effectiveness. When Northam first confronted the reality of these photos, he seemed to understand the impossibility of remaining governor. But after having slept on it, he claimed he would not resign. His hope seemed to be that his reputation as a good man, supported by many blacks, could save him. Northam has grown into a good man. But as his inability to recognize why those supremacist photos are disqualifying, he still has some growing to do.
Whatever issues he wanted to champion or whatever honors he wanted to achieve are no longer possible. He needs to resign. He should give a resignation speech with Justin Fairfax, his black lieutenant governor, behind him. He should say things are in good hands with Justin, shake hands with and embrace Justin, and then move on to the best life he can have. As a physician, although a flawed man who is working to be a better man, it seems like it could be a good and useful life.
In any event, his dreams as governor of Virginia are gone, gone with the wind. And frankly, I don’t give a damn.