Because back channel communications have been used to establish and facilitate diplomatic relations, GOP spin meisters have tried to normalize Kushner’s unusual activities as an example of diplomatic back channel communication rather than what they were: an attempt to establish covert communications with Russia. When Henry Kissinger, as a government official, made secretive calls and visits to the Russians, he informed J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the FBI, about the meetings and their content. Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who also secretly communicated with the Russians, also notified the FBI. As another example, the Obama team used back channel communication to re-establish normalization of communication with Cuba. These meetings were held secretly to limit interference from press and other agencies but were made by government officials who had the authority and security clearances and represented the US government – not when there was another President still in office. Back channel communications are used by government officials to facilitate communication between their respective governments. When Jared Kushner, a private citizen proposed secret communications with Russia, a US adversary, he was suggesting the establishment of what is referred to in espionage as a covert communication channel
Kushner’s “back channel” communications with the VEB are not the only mysterious communications between the Trump organization and a Russian bank. The FBI picked up unusual and frequent communication between a Trump organization server and the Alfa Bank in Russia. Although when first discovered, the connection seemed unimportant, as it increasingly appears to be part of the pattern of other Trump mysterious actions or misdeeds, we suspect that we may not have heard the end of the end of the ties between the Trump Organization and Russian banks. In any event, if we do hear more about these ties, it will not be because the banks were working to secure a safer Syria.
All of these suspicious activities continue to confirm that these further investigation is needed. Whatever Jared Kushner’s reason had for needing a covert channel of communication with the Kremlin and others, it was not to conduct back channel diplomacy for the U.S. government. To underscore how very suspicious this activity is, on May 12, Donald Trump ranted that “I have nothing to do with Russia” and Jared Kushner did not report his 3 or more meetings with Russian authorities. We knew Donald Trump lies without blinking. Will Jared Kushner begin to tell the truth?