Early impeachment efforts by the Republicans could obscure or water down any evidence that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has collected. Already, Trump’s associates, without really knowing what evidence Mueller has, have attempted to invalidate information about the Trump family’s financial real estate deals. In addition, a sham impeachment could identify witnesses and law enforcement officers so that Trump’s associates could undermine their testimony. Already Trump’s associates, including some Republican members of Congress, are trying to sabotage FBI agents who can corroborate former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony that Trump obstructed justice.
A phony impeachment by Republican House members could rile the rile Trump’s base and further de-legitimate any other impeachment proceedings. Most Republican voters (85 percent) believe that the Mueller investigation is illegitimate now.
Of course, a Republican impeachment would not find enough credible evidence to impeach Trump. A phony Republican impeachment could derail a Democratic impeachment and bolster Republican chances of winning in 2018 and beyond.