Those who believe in illiberal democracy do so because they think they will benefit, even if others do not. And in fact, those favored by the autocrats may benefit. But the advantage of liberal democracies over illiberal democracies is that fair treatment should not depend on being in a selected group. Of course, that has not been and still is not the case in the U.S. There is rampant discrimination. Are autocrats or democratic institutions more likely to address discrimination? A clue to the correct answer is that we know how democratic institutions are supposed to function. Who are the autocrats, and why should they continue to favor the groups they say they prefer now?
Consider how the groups autocrats favor can change. Before and after the Civil War, the autocrats who ruled the South did not treat poor whites well. Poor whites did not have plentiful economic opportunities or receive first-class public education and health care. Many Southern autocrats claim they do not have the funds to provide for poor whites because they must provide for “unfavored groups.” Poor whites may feel better, but they do not do better.
Democracy is our best hope.