Trump apologists surfaced to offer benign explanations for another private meeting. One reason is that because Trump is reluctant to fuel consideration of the possibility that Russian interference made his election illegitimate, he wants to keep his meetings with Putin private. A second explanation is that Trump distrusts both his staff and interpreters, and thus, chose to meet with Putin alone. And a third explanation is that Trump wanted to show trust in Putin and meet with him without aids or his own interpreter.
These explanations ignore the possibility that Trump may have a shady relationship with Putin that he wants to keep from Americans. The benefits Trump has provided to his friend Putin include the following:
- Changed the Republican Party platform to be less supportive of Ukraine;
- Undermined and attacked the U.S. relationships with the western alliance and NATO;
- Threatened to take steps to start a trade war with Europe;
- Rolled back sanction on Russian oligarchs and tried to rollback other sanctions;
- Supported Putin’s seizure of Crimea;
- Refuted the U.S. intelligence community and had not mobilized to defend against future Russian attacks against U.S. elections; and
- Praised and defended Putin.