Conservative writer Max Boot identifies eight of Trump’s “transgressions against common decency and good sense. But these transgressions were practices by the Republican Party long before Trump registered as a Republican. Consider the following four of eight Trump transgressions.
Since about 1963 the Republican Party made a decision to appeal to racism against blacks as a strategy for increasing Southern white support. Appealing to white racial disaffection helped to prolong southern segregation and fuel the polarization that exists within the body politic. It is not merely a coincidence that Trump enjoys much of his most robust support in the same 11 states as those of the old Confederacy.
The Republican Party discarded a principled adherence to the rule of law after they learned about President Ronald Reagan’s violation of U.S. laws. Reagan, contrary to law, funneled private funds to Nicaraguan Contras to prevent the spread of communism in Latin America. At the same time, Reagan sold weapons to Iran, in part, to secure the release of some U.S. citizens who were being held captive in Lebanon. Besides ignoring U.S. policy against paying ransom for the release of hostages, Reagan violated a law embargoing arms sales to Iran.
Despite testimony from two of the administration officials who carried out the illegal activities (Oliver North and John Poindexter), that Reagan had known about these activities, Congress failed to impeach. The Republican Party had been burned by Nixon’s impeachment, and many party stalwarts were determined to avoid a second impeachment. They were aided by both the Republican and Democratic affection voters held for Reagan. Nonetheless, Republicans went on to consecrate Reagan’s achievements, even though his actions in Iran Contra celebrated being above the law.
The Republican Party’s efforts to suppress the vote of those who might not vote for them is immoral. Their efforts have been especially heinous because they have been focused on African-Americans. After centuries of degradation, African-Americans have made tremendous sacrifices to obtain the right to vote. And the Republican Party, long before Trump gained prominence in it, has sought to reverse those gains and make them worthless.
Trump has undoubtedly popularized the meme of fake news in the U.S. culture. But it was Roger Ailes, a Republican operative, who created Fox News, a network dedicated to spreading far right lies and propaganda. Of course, these lies are made savory through with a few real journalists, some original entertainment shows, and sports. As a result of Fox’s popularity and widespread availability, the Republican base has been encapsulated in a right-wing bubble where fake news has become the primary currency.
The Republican Party has teetered on the edge of collapse since the New Deal. The party was pulled back from the abyss by the popularity of President Dwight Eisenhower, the fight against the evils of communism, and an appeal to racism. Instead of recognizing the unattractiveness of their ideas, they have used voter suppression, gerrymandering, and Fox News to disguise their ideas. Now some Republicans believe that Trump of the unattractiveness of their ideas. The problem with the Republican Party is that the Republican Party; Trump is a very nasty symptom of that problem.