Trump has sworn vengeance on the individuals whom he says instigated and carried out an illegal probe of his association with Russians. Despite extensive investigations by right-wing Republicans, no hint of illegality was found. Nevertheless, Barr mimicked the same trope as Trump and his supporters; he believed “the intelligence community spied on Trump.” Trump has finally achieved his long-held wish to have his own Roy Cohn- like Attorney General to protect him and do his bidding.
The arrest of refugee families seeking refuge has surged at the U.S. – Mexican Border, to the chagrin of Trump and his supporters. Trump blames the surge on the unwillingness of the officials at the Department of Homeland Security to implement a policy separating children from their parents because of court rulings prohibiting this policy. Trump admonished Homeland Security officials to ignore these court rulings and replaced a number of senior management officials who are more willing to follow his instructions.
Trump’s willingness to ignore the rule of law, along with his rampant lying and corrupt cronyism, are the hallmarks of dictators. And we should all care that the rule of law is being trampled because it protects us. And in the long run, the only real protection we have is the fairness and consistency from the rule of law.