President Biden delineated MAGA Republicans from other Republicans. Biden characterized MAGAs as not respecting the Constitution, believing in the rule of law, or recognizing the people's will. Although Biden did not indicate how many MAGA Republicans there are, Aaron Blake in the Washington Post estimates that about 10 percent of Republicans are MAGAs. Neither Biden nor Blake distinguished between the MAGA base and elected officials. Suppose the MAGA elected officials win majority control of the House of Representatives. In that case, the House is expected to hold numerous hearings on Biden Administration policies and conduct, the possible criminal behavior of Biden's son, Hunter, and, eventually, the impeachment of President Biden.
From what we know, the MAGAs want to end or severely limit immigration, and regain the status they believe they have lost because of social and demographic changes. While MAGA elected officials are carrying out this harassment plan, what will the MAGA base be doing? What will MAGAs do to reduce their psychological discomfort from the presence of people of color, LGBTQ people, and the inability to carry their guns where they please? Because it is unlikely that MAGAs will be able to enact any federal laws to obtain what they want. However, MAGAs in some states will be able to pass laws to give the MAGA base what they want. Even more frightening is the specter of MAGAs who are emboldened enough to take matters into their own hands.