Some of our comrades in this fight deny Trump is being given help in this fight, especially by Republicans. While these comrades admit that Putin helped Trump win the election, they claim the help was inconsequential because Hillary was not a perfect politician. Although our comrades recognize that the Main Stream Media contributed to the Trump’s victory in both the primaries and general election, they are oblivious to any attempt to normalize his Presidency. But above all, our comrades cannot see that the Republican Party is aiding and abetting Trump. Instead, they express sympathy for Republicans who must show loyalty to Trump to avoid being primaried, even though they don’t like him.
The Republican support for Trump is not simply about primaries. Last week only 11 of 53 Republicans were willing to cross party lines and vote to maintain sanctions against Oleg Deripaska. Trump’s Treasury Department struck a deal with Deripaska to remove sanctions against one of his companies if he agreed to give up control of the company. Deripaska gave stock in the company to members of his family and a Russian state bank, controlled by Putin. In exchange the U.S. agreed to remove sanctions from Deripaska’s company. Removing these sanctions directly benefitted Putin and Deripaska. And their removal may have been part of the deal Trump struck with Putin for helping him to become President.
Deripaska is a close associate of Putin’s on whom the sanctions were levied to discourage Putin’s reckless international adventurism, like the invasion of Crimea and the attack on U.S. elections. We know why Trump wanted to remove those sanctions. Why would the Republican Party, through its control of the Senate, aid and abet him in removing them?