Over the last two weekends, hundreds of thousands of people have marched in Washington DC and many other cities across the world to express concern about how scientific research and activities are being trashed by the Trump Administration. In the April 22 March for Science and in the April 29 People’s Climate March people marched, rallied, and attended teach-ins. Scientists and others who affirm science are reacting to the many assaults to science and more broadly to the irrational thought that the Republican Party and Donald Trump are using to harm the US and the world. While many of the protesters’ signs and chants were focused on intellectually vacuous Donald Trump, the more disturbing horror is that as President, he is activating plans, wishes and beliefs held by many Republicans. They are hurting science directly by abolishing laws and programs, and indirectly by weakening many threads that nurture scientific thought and dialogue as they curtail international travel.
Certainly, the threat of global death with an overwhelming consensus from climate scientists, is an idea so dire and catastrophic that it could make anyone want to be a denier surrounded by other deniers. However, in their cocoon of mutual endorsement of ignorance, deniers must understand that deregulating water and air is harmful to their children and grandchildren, and refusal to be responsible for saving the earth must be considered evil irresponsibility. The current administration is working so hard to hide data, discourage initiative, and to repress exploration that they paradoxically demonstrate some understanding that these are fearful facts. If science had no dangers to expose, then there would be no need to suppress it.
The Republican party was denying climate change, denying scientific exploration, and denying rationality long before Donald Trump descended on his golden escalator. They may have developed their beliefs to be part of a unified opposition to Democrats, to avoid looking at threatening ideas, to reject elitist educated thought, or, for many, for financial benefit as they are rewarded by extractive industries. Regardless of the reason, their beliefs threaten us all now.
Nonetheless, the GOP leadership twist themselves into word pretzels to show their disdain for science, rather than having the courage to patriotically say the obvious – that an ignorant, unhinged man is endangering us all. Donald Trump is not introducing science denial, but is supporting the Republican platform that has become more extreme over decades. If you affirm scientific values, you must support a need to address climate change, and you cannot also support the Republican party – unless you believe you can change the party itself. And, there is no evidence that the Republican party is about to change.