Following the astounding loss of Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump for President of the U.S., primarily due to a deficit of about 80,000 votes cast in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. A multitude of explanations were propounded over the next several days to explain the loss. Even though all of the data needed for a full analysis of the election had not yet been fully collated. Even when all of the available data has been collated, examining these explanations to determine which one or set can explain the loss will clearly go beyond the ability of this data. Table 1 below presents some of the explanations that have been given for Hillary’s loss that have been grouped by four broad categories: political environment, external anomalies, Democratic Party actions, and campaign decisions. |
Political Environment Media practice Racial resentment against African-Americans, Muslims, and Latino immigrants Voter disaffection with the candidates Voters’ desire for change Voters’ discomfort with a woman as President |